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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(6):119-129.
착용 기능성 개선을 위한 유방 형태별 브래지어 치수체계 설정
Classification of Size System of Brassiere According to the breast types for Improvement of the Wearing Comfort
동명정보대학교 정보조형학부 패션디자인학과
This study was peformed to establish the standard size system to be required for the production of brassiere. The subject were 155 Korean twenties-aged women and were directly measured anthropometrically. From 27 measurements, 5 factors were extracted through factor analysis. The accumulative contribution ratio is 76.92%. Factor 1 indicates the degree of obesity around the chest, factor 2 is the drooping degree of breast, factor 3 is the contours and prominence, factor 4 is the breast breadth and breadth of bust point, factors 5 is the volume of breast. The subject were classified into 3 cluster as their breast types through cluster analysis. Type 1 is the closest to the ideal breast shape and not too droopy. This group belonged to 75A. Type 2 has small breast and belonged to 70AA group. Type 3 is the obesest and has the biggest and droopy breast. This group belonged to 75B. The distribution of size of brassiere had 3 sections from 70 to 80 showing a rate of 81.94% and the sin of the cup had 4 sections from AAA cup to B cup showing a rate of 89.70%. The production ratio of each brassiere size, it was found that the brassiere size of highest production ratio was 75A(16.39%) in type 1,70AA(16.27%) in type 2, and 75B(13.72%) in type 3. This suggests that it is necessary to adjust for the production rate of brassieres
Keywords: 치수체계, sizing system, 유방형태, breast shape, 유방용적, breast volume, 유방폭, breast width, 유방돌출, breast prominence
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