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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(6):105-117.
청소년 소비자의 환경친화적 소비행동에 관한 연구
A study on Environment-friendly Consumption of Adolescents Consumers
건국대학교 소비자·주거 학과
This study was intended to investigate specific plan to enhance the adolescents consumers' environment-friendly consumption behavior in their consumption. For this purpose, a questionnaire was conducted among middle and high school students. As a result, the following findings were obtained: The related items in the questionnaire were categorized into factors in an attempt to investigate consumers' environment-friendly consumption. Factor I was coded as active recycling and the use of refilled products and Factor Ⅱ was coded as the behavior of active savings. Adolescents consumers with more experiences in environmental activity showed the higher level of behavior of environment-friendly consumption, and female adolescents consumer did so than male adolescents consumer And adolescents consumers showed the higher level of practical behavior of environment-friendly consumption in case of data and document arrangement than in case of cleaning, and in case of voluntary social service than in case of only cleaning
Keywords: 환경의식, environment consciousness, 환경친화적 소비행동, environment-friendly consumption, 청소년 소비자, adolescents consumers, 환경활동경험, experiences in environmental activity
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