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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(6):91-104.
미국 편모가계의 저축결정 요인에 관한 연구: 가족생활주기에 따른 비교
The Saving Decision of Female-Headed Households in the U.S.: A Comparison of Different Life Cycle Stages
이화여자대학교 소비자인간발달학과
Using the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finances(SCF), this study examined the factors associated with the probability of saving by female-headed households in the U.S, and investigated how these factors differ by life cycle stages. Age of children, age of female householders and their retirement status were used to categorize three life cycle stages: first stage - have at least one child under age 18; second stage - under the age of 62 and have no children under age 18; third stage - over the age of 62 and retired. Logistic regression analysis results indicated that those with higher education and income and who were White were more likely to save. An interactive model showed that life cycle stages were significantly related to saving decisions. Female-headed households in the first stage or the third stage were less likely than those in the second stage (reference group) to save. For female-headed households in the first stage and the third stage, the amount of income had significantly positive effects on the decision to save. Also, in the group of households in the first stage, the receipt of welfare assistance increased the probability of saving.
Keywords: 저축결정, saving decision, 편모가계, female-headed household, 가족생활주기, life cycle stage
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