Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(6):29-45.
동아시아 기혼여자대학원생들과 미국 기혼여자대학원생들의 가족 및 직업역할 만족도와 긴장도: 동아시아의 기혼여자대학원생들의 성역할 재사회화에 관련하여
Role Gratification and strain of East Asian Married Women Graduate students and American Married Women Graduate students: Related to Gender Role Resocializatin of East Asian Married Women Graduate Students
성신여자대학교 가족문화 소비자학과
I compared role gratification and role strain of American and East Asian married women graduate students taking multiple roles of study, assistant work in the school, family care, and household management, etc. The American students experienced more strain overall than their East Asian counterparts. Perceived gratification and strain were strongly related to time demands for the American group and to economic conditions for East Asian group. The more nontraditional the gender-role altitudes of the East Asian students, the less strain they experienced. More than half of the East Asian students perceived that their own gender roles, but not those of their husbands had changed since they came to the United States. Perceived gender-role change of the husband was strongly related to role strain for the East Asian students.