Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(5):165-178.
소비자 비윤리 유형과 판매자와의 상호작용 유형의 관계 - 전라북도 소비자를 중심으로 -
Relationships between Consumer Non-Ethics and Interaction with Salespersons
김정훈, 이은희
원광대학교 가정아동복지전공,인하대학교 소비자아동학과
The purpose of this study was to understand the consumer non-ethical behavior and the interaction with salespersons and their relationships. For this purpose, adults in Chunlabuk-do were surveyed and 675 questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS statistical program. The results of the analysis were as follows: 1. Three dimensions of the consumer non-ethical behaviors were the unconscience, the illegality, and the deception. Two dimensions of the interaction with salespersons were the passive and the assertive interactions. 2. There were two clusters respectively; ethical and non-ethical groups for the consumer non-ethical behavior/ passive and assertive groups for the interaction with salespersons. 3. Generally, the more educated and the older persons were, the less they tended to be ethical and the more passively they tended to interact with the salespersons. 4. There were significant differences between the clusters of consumer non-ethical behavior and those of interaction. The non-assertive interaction group were found more in the non-ethical group and the assertive interaction group more in the ethical groups.