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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(5):149-163.
노후아파트의 리모델링에 대한 거주지의 요구 경향
The Study on the Residents' Needs of Remodelling in the Deteriorated Apartment Housing
이선녕, 주서령
경희대학교 대학원 아동주거학과,경희대학교 생활과학부 주거환경전공
The deteriorated apartments make a social problem in now a days. After all a new alternative plan for deteriorated apartments such as the remodelling concept must be considered. This study aims to survey the needs levels among residents in deteriorated apartments relating to remodelling. It might provide the basic data which could be used for the analysis of consumers in the future implementation of deteriorated remodelling projects. The analytical methods applied for this study were t-test, one-way ANOVA, post-hoc estimation(Scheff test) by the SPSS 10.1 for Windows program. The analysis of the need levels for the areas of remodelling, by the family characteristic variable, residence value viewpoint, and residence satisfaction level, indicated that the demand level for ‘equipment ’was the highest, followed by the order of ‘structure’ and ‘interior’. The need levels for ‘security’, ‘parking lot’, ‘public facilities in apartment block’, and ‘landscape’ were generally low but in the group of high income, the need levels were comparatively high.
Keywords: 리모델링, remodelling, 노후아파트, the deteriorated apartment, 요구도, need levels
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