Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(5):119-130.
방사선조사 식품에 대한 소비자의 태도
Consumer Attitudes Towards Irradiated Foods
김효정, 김미라
인제대학교 가족·소비자학과,경북대학교 식품영양학과
This study investigated the consumer acceptance toward irradiated foods and the factors to distinguish subjects with differential levels of the acceptance. Data were collected from 462 adults in Seoul, Daegu and Busan by the self-administered questionnaire. Frequencies and logistic regression analysis were conducted by SPSS. The results were as follows: (1) the level of awareness about irradiated foods was very low, but the acceptance toward them was high; only 2.8% of the respondents answered that they heard about irradiated foods and knew them very well, and 60.4% were wiling to buy them, and (2) sex, subscription of consumer magazines, and concerns about irradiated foods were factors to distinguish accepters from non-accepters; the respondents who were males, subscribed for consumer magazines, and had high concerns about irradiated foods showed less willingness to irradiated foods.