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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(4):143-155.
독일사회를 중심으로 본 공공가정의 필요성 및 한국 가정학에서의 발전방안
The Necessity of the Institutional Household from German Society and Development Scheme of Korean Home Economics
인하대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양전공
This study presents the institutional households as an object of research from german society, discussing their social necessity and development scheme. The results of the study will be useful informations for systematic researchs according to institutional household in South Korea. In recent years, the social functions of the institutional household have become an important issue in South Korea. In this respect, the requirements of customers, and other interested parties with regard to these institutions have changed, which results in a different general framework for the management of these institutions. For this reason, courses in the Economics of the Institutional Household were established as part of the Department of Private Household at some universities in South Korea. In order to assure the continuous development of the research on Economics of Institutional Household theoretical and practical support from different arise is required. In particular, three issues aries here: 1. the structure of the curriculum and the possibilities for its development in universities, 2. interdisciplinary research on the Economics of the Institutional Households in cooperation with other departments, 3. continuing cooperation between institutions and universities.
Keywords: 공공가정, institutional household, 개별가정, private household, 공공가정학, Economics of Institutional Household, 상호교환연구, interdisciplinary research
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