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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(4):101-110.
하반신 정면,측면 체형의 형태적 분류 -13세~15세 여중생을 대상으로-
Classification of Lower Frontal and Lateral Body Shapes - Junior-High School Girls Between the Ages of 13 and 15 Years Old-
동명정보대학교 정보조형학부 패션디자인학과
The effective construction for ready-made clothes is one of the central concerns of both consumer and manufactures in today's apparel industry. So in order to reduce the burden of stocks and increase clothing fitness, systematic information on typical body size and somatotypes is essential. This study was performed to provide fundamental data on junior-high school girls' somatotype by classifying the lower body somatotype and analyzing the characteristics of each somatotype. The subject were 236 Korean junior-high school girls. The subject were directly measured anthropometrically and indirectly analyzed photographically. By direct measurement, 5 factors were extracted through factor analysis and the subject were classified into 4 duster as their lower body front silhouette. By indirect measurement, 5 factors ore extracted through factor analysis and the subject were classified into 3 cluster as their lower body side silhouette. After combining the body types of the front and the side silhouette, we selected 4 basic body types out of combination.
Keywords: 하반신, lower body, 정면 체형, frontal body shape, 측면 체형, lateral body shape
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Characteristics and Classification of the Lower Body Somatotype for the Construction of Junior High School Girls' Clothing  1999 January;37(1)
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