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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(2):187-198.
PC 통신에 나타난 어머니의 유아 양육에 관한 내용분석
Content analysis of mother's child rearing on PC communication
울산대학교 생활과학대학 아동가정복지학과
The purpose of this study was to explore the ideas about childrearing represented on the cyber space. The method used for this study is the content analysis and the data are articles about child rearing on the Hitel bulletin board during 1 year. It was found that then articles dealt with problems of practices in the teaching, nurturing, interfacing between home and social institutions, and disciplining. Especially these articles put great emphasis on teaching. For example, there are many articles about children's cognitive development. And there are many articles about nurturing. Especially child's emotional care. Many articles about interfacing between home and social institutions are appeared. In early childhood, many child go to nursery center. So from these results, we might conclude that many mothers gave their children emotional care. And they didn't teach their children directly. Instead they bought many educational instrument.
Keywords: 유아양육, child-rearing, 교육, education, 보육, educare, 정보화 사회, an information-oriented society
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