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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(2):171-185.
인천광역시 노인의 연령별 체위 및 건강관련 인자 비교 연구
Comparison of Anthropometric Indices and Health Related Factors of the Elderly Living in Incheon
천종희, 유경자, 최은옥
인하대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과
The eight hundred fourteen male and female elderly living in urban and rural area of Incheon were compared in terms of anthropometric indices and health related factors. Mean height, weight, BMI, WHR, MAC, TSF, %body fat and systolic blood pressure of male elderly were 162.7cm and 162.0cm, 61.8kg and 58.3kg, 23.2 and 22.0, 0.91 and 0.89, 24.4cm and 24.0cm, 9.9mm and 11.5mm, 23.9% and 23.2%, 152.1mmHg and 150.0mmHg in the urban and rural respectively. In female elderly, mean height, weight, BMI, WHR, MAC, TSF, %body fat and systolic blood pressure were 150.3cm and 149.2cm, 55.9kg and 53.1kg, 24.4 and 23.4, 0.87 and 0.86, 25.4cm and 24.4cm, 20.2mm and 18.9mm, 37.2% & 35.4%, 142.2mmHg and 151.7 mmHg in the urban and rural respectively. As the age increasing, most of the anthropometric indices are decreased while systolic blood pressure are increased in both gender. The proportion of the subject with normal hearing were 73.1% in the urban, 61.4% in the rural and 61.8% in the male, 73.1% in the female. Hearing and tooth status became deteriorated as increasing the age and the more elderly felt themselves unhealthy as increasing the age. Aerobic(25.7%) and walking/jogging(18.4%) in the urban, walking/jogging (22.1%) and climbing(3.5%) in the rural were the preferred exercise in the elderly. Frequency of health promoting substance intake were very low and not significantly different between the urban & the rural, and the male and the female elderly. Neuralgia, diabetes, indigestion and cerebral stroke showed relatively higher morbidity in the elderly. Neuralgia was significantly higher in the female(23.3%) than in the male(13.1%). Diabetes was significantly higher in the female(22.4%) and the urban(21.9%) elderly than in the male(16.1%) and the rural(13.5%) elderly respectively. In conclusion, as the age increasing the height and weight of the elderly decreased significantly and BMI, WHR and body fat toned to decrease. Hearing and tooth status deteriorated significantly as the age increasing, especially in female elderly.
Keywords: 체위, anthropometric indices, 노인, elderly, 건강관련인자, health related factors
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