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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(2):141-153.
보육시설 실내,외 환경에 대한 만족도와 중요성의 인식정도 - 학부모, 보육교사의 차이를 중심으로 -
A Study on the Level of Satisfaction and Awareness Regarding the Importance of outdoor and Indoor Environments in Child Care Centers - On the Basis of Different Viewpoints from the Parents and the Teachers -
진주산업대학교 아동가정복지학과
The purpose of this study was to analyze and determine the level of the satisfaction and awareness of facilities in child care centers among teachers and parents. Special attention was given to both the indoor and outdoor environments from the viewpoints of both parents and teachers. The subject of this research focused on parents who leave their children at child care centers, and teachers who work for the center. The data was compiled by performing both T-tests and paired T-test. The information was processed by a program called SPSS WIN 10.0. The results were as follows ; 1. (a) With regard to the satisfaction of the external and internal facilities : It was determined that both the play rooms and the wall-pattern arrangements were satisfactory to both the parents and the teachers. (b) Regarding the awareness of the importance of facilities, while the parents focused more on the play rooms and the external environments, the teachers placed more importance on the bathrooms and the play rooms. 2. In the paired T-test that determined whether their individual opinions were different in terms of the satisfaction and awareness of facilities, it was interesting to see that both the parents and the teachers showed significant differences in their opinions and priorities about the porches, the play rooms, the bathrooms and the wall-pattern arrangements. In general, their awareness was much higher than the satisfaction with these facilities. 3. In the T-test that determined whether there were any tendencies in the satisfaction and awareness respectively in the two groups, the satisfaction rate was higher among the parents than the teachers. In terms of the awareness of the importance of the facilities, the teachers rated the bathrooms and the wall-pattern arrangements as a priority.
Keywords: 보육시설, child care centers, 실내, 외환경, intemal and extemal environment, 만족도, satisfaction rate, 중요성의 인식정도, importance awareness rate
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