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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(2):65-92.
빈곤 여성가정의 삶의 과정에 관한 질적 연구
The Life Course of Poor Female Household Heads: A Qualitative Analysis
옥선화, 성미애, 이재림
서울대학교 생활과학대학 아동가족학과
This study explored and described the life course of poor female household heads. The data was gathered by in-depth interviews with thirteen poor female heads of households. Most of poor female household heads grew up in poor families. nev could not be educated properly due to their families' poverty and boy preference, and they moved to urban areas to become informal sector laborers. After the marriages, their living conditions became worse, because many of them got married to so lazy men who had alcoholic problems that were not willing to provide their families. The poor female heads of households were under difficulties owing to low income and unstable labor Condition. The economic hardship disturbed the interaction with kins and friends. Although they got in touch with these people, they had uncomfortable feelings because they did not have enough resources which made these relationships reciprocal. Therefore, social welfare policy were essential to support the poor female heads of households.
Keywords: 빈곤 여성가장, poor female heads of households, 비공식 부문 노동자, informal sector laborers, 저임금, low income, 불안적 고용, unstable labor condition, 사회복지 정책, social welfare policy
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