Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(1):169-185.
사이버공간 중독유형과 청소년의 사회심리적 환경
Types of Cyberspace Addiction and Adolescents' Psycho-Social Environment
백승문, 황미영, 김영희
청주여자 고등학교,한국도자기 부설 아동·가족상담센터,충북대학교 아동복지학과
The present study was to investigate whether Cyberspace addiction groups could be classified into types and examine the relationship with types of Cyberspace addiction and adolescents' psychological environment. The findings were as follows: First, adolescents' Cyberspace addiction was analyzed by factor analysis and classified by four different types, which were named as sensation seeking, life interference, time dependency, and psychological dependency. Second, male students experienced more sensation seeking and life interference tendencies than female students who experienced more psychological dependency tendency than male students. High school students experienced more life interference tendency than middle school students. Third, there was relationship with types of adolescents Cyberspace addiction and psychological environment. Adolescents who addicted Cyberspace with sensation seeking were more likely to avoid conversation with families, and had a tendency of compulsiveness and depression. Adolescents who addicted Cyberspace with life interference had a tendency of compulsiveness and depression, and had a problem of school life and family relationship. Adolescents who addicted Cyberspace with time dependency showed the compulsiveness and avoided conversation with families. Adolescents who addicted Cyberspace with psychological dependency were more likely to have peer relationship and had a tendency of depression. Conclusively, the psycho-social environment such as compulsiveness, depression, family and peer relationship, and school environment was related to types of adolescents' Cyberspace addiction more or less.