Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(1):1-13.
3-5세 형제간 갈등에서의 어머니 중재와 효과
Mothers' Interventions and Their Effects between Siblings Aged 3-5
엄정애, 김희진
배재대학교 유아교육과,이화여자대학교 유아교육과
The purpose of this study was to examine how mothers intervened in conflicts between siblings aged 3-5. The subjects of this study were 51 sibling dyads and their mothers. The siblings were asked to carry out 4 different tasks. The sibling conflicts occurring during the tasks and their mothers' interventions were observed and recorded. The results were as follows. Fist, mothers tended not to intervene in sibling conflicts. Second, when they intervened, they tended to use strategies considered less desirable such as ‘parental control’ Third, although small in numbers, some mothers intervened in sibling conflict in a positive way. In such cases, sibling conflicts ended in compromise and reconciliation. The implications for parent education were discussed.