Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2002;40(11):119-130.
과제 상황 및 계층에 따른 만 5세 유아의 스크립트 지식
5-Year-Old Children's Script Knowledge According to Task Situation and Socioeconomic Status
성미영, 이순형
서울대학교 생활과학대학 아동가족학과
This study investigated preschool children's script knowledge according to task situation and socioeconomic status. Subjects were seventy-eight 5-year-old children (38 low- and 40 middle-income children; 36 boys and 42 girls) recruited from three day-care centers in Seoul. Each child participated in the script knowledge assessment session. Assessment of script knowledge consisted of a picture-recognition and picture-sequencing task. Statistical methods used for data analysis were means, standard deviations, repeated measures ANOVA. Results showed that children's script knowledge scores were higher in familiar task situation than in unfamiliar task situation. Furthermore, middle-income children had higher scores of script knowledge than low-income children. Findings of this study indicate that there is the difference of script knowledge between low- and middle-income preschoolers