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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2002;40(11):83-91.
소비자의 유전자재조합 식품 구입의도에 따른 집단분류에 관한 연구
An Analysis on the Factors to Distinguish Consumers’ Willingness to Purchase Genetically Modified Organism(GMO)
김효정, 김미라
인제대학교 가족·소비자학과,경북대학교 식품영양학과
This study examined the consumers' willingness to purchase Genetically Modified Organism(GMO) and the factors to distinguish subjects with differential levels of their willingness to buy GMO. Data were collected from 506 male and female adults in Seoul, Daegu and Susan by the self-administered questionnaire. Frequencies, X²tests, F tests and discriminant analysis were conducted to analyze the data by SPSS Windows. The results of this study were as follows: (1) the concerns and the information-seeking behavior about GMO were generally high, but recognition of GMO was low, (2) the willingness to purchase GMO was generally high in that 2/3 of the subjects were willing to purchase it, and (3) the concerns about GMO, the information-seeking behavior, age and sex were the factors to distinguish acceptors from non-acceptors.
Keywords: 유전자재조합 식품, genetically modified organism, 소비자의 구입의도, consumers` willingness to purchase, 수용집단/비수용집단, acceptors/non-acceptors
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