Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1979;17(3):1-11.
논문편 - 의생활편 : 한복에 대한 태도를 중심으로 한 사회심리학적 의복연구 - 서울의 성인여성을 중심으로 -
Attitude Toward Traditional Korean Clothing as Related to Selected Social Psychological Factors
He Won Kahng
The purposes of this study were ; (1) to investigate attitudes toward Korean clothing in relation to 3 aspects of clothing behavior , and in relation to attitudes toward women's role, age and education, and (2) to ascertain the extent to which Korean clothing was used and valued. Clothing measures consisted of statements dealing with positive and negative attitudes toward psychological and practical aspects of Korean clothing, frequency of use of Korean clothing, and modesty and confirmity -individuality measure. The measure of attitudes toward women's role consisted of items selected form the Inventory of Feminie Values and the Sex Role Ideology Scale. Product-moment correlation was used to analyze the data which consisted of the responses of 700 adult Korean women to questionnaires administered by the researcher. The results obtained are as follows : 1) Positive attitudes toward Korean clothing for both psychological and practical aspects were, (1) related negatively to nontraditional attitudes toward women's role and education, and (2) related positively to age, frequency of wearing Korean clothing and modesty in clothing. 2) Negative attitudes toward Korean clothing for practical aspect was related negatively to age and education , whereas, the psychological aspect was negatively related to attitudes toward women's role. 3) Conformity-individuality in clothing was related positively to attitudes toward women's role and education. 4) Modesty in clothing was related negatively to attitudes toward women's role and education, conformity individuality, and was related positively to age. 5) In 1945 most of the subjects over 51 -year-old wore Korean clothing always or most of time, whereas, about 1/3 of them wore the same in 1976 , Only 4% of the total participants regardless of their ages wore Korean clothing for everyday life in 1976. 6) In general , highly positive attitudes toward Korean clothing were found on psychological aspect, whereas, highly negative attitudes toward Korean clothing were found on practical aspect.