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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2002;40(11):23-37.
한국과 연변조선족 어머니의 부모역할 만족도 및 양육태도 비교 연구
A Comparative Study of Korean and YanBian Korean-Chinese Mother's Parental Role Satisfaction and Child-Rearing Practices
임연신, 현온강
인하대학교 소비자·아동학과
This study was designed to explore fundamental bases of parental role satisfaction and child-rearing practices by comparing Korean and Yanbian Korean-Chinese mothers who share the same cultural roots but live in societies with different ideology and values. Total of 314 mothers with children aged from three to six years participated in this study:- 160 Korean mothers from two cities in Korea and 154 Korean-Chinese mothers from two cities at YanBian in China. Parental Satisfaction Questionnaires by Hyun (1994) and Child Rearing Practice Measures developed by the researchers were used to measure mothers parental role satisfaction and child rearing practices. The results showed that Korean-Chinese mothers seemed to be more satisfied with their roles as parents than Korean mothers. Additional analyses with socio-economic variables reported that both Korean and Korean-Chinese mothers satisfaction about spousal support were higher and their role conflicts were reduced when the household income was higher. Interestingly, most Korean-Chinese mothers reported to be highly satisfied with spousal support whereas only highly educated Korean mothers seemed to be satisfied with spousal support. In addition, for child-related variables, Korean and Korean-Chinese mothers' parental satisfaction were not affected by their childrens gender or age but when they thought their childrens temperament was difficult, their role-conflict tended to increase.
Keywords: 부모역할만족도, parental role satisfaction, 양육태도, child-rearing practices, 비교문화, cross-culture, 연변 조선족, Yan Bian Korean-Chinese
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