Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1979;17(2):83-105.
논문편 - 아동 및 가족관계편 : 아버지의 양육태도 및 관심도와 자녀의 인성과의 상관연구
이희자 , 정영숙
A Study on the Relation between Father's Child-Rearing Attitude or Child-Concern and Children's Personality
Hi Ja Lee , Yung Suk Chung
The purpose of this study is 1) to find out several factors which related to father's rearing attitude and father's concern influencing on children's personality development and 2) to examine closely the correlation between father and children's personality. For the study, cases of 914 children from Seoul and Chong-Ju were sampled to put their personality on test and to investigate on the father's attitude for child rearing and child -concern. The instruments used in this research are question aires, which the investigators made, to examine the father's attitude for child-rearing and child-concern, and the child-personality test performed by Ph. D.B.M.J eong. The results obtained can be summarized as follows : 1. Most fathers were found to be more affectionate to daughters then to sons in their attitude for child-rearing and child-concern , and fathers in Chong-Ju had the tendency to have morn concern about the first child. 2. The more educated fathers, public official or company employee, and Christian or Catholic , showed much more concern about their children, which was shown or Catholic ,showed much more concern about their children , which was shown in this study as statistically significant (P<.0.1, F-test). 3. There were no sex differences in correlations between father's child-rearing attitude or child-concern and child-personality. 4. Father's child-rearing attitude was highly related to child's birth order, That is : the first child showed the low coefficient in general activity and impulsiveness, and showed the high coefficient in emotional stability of personality traits when father's child-rearing attitude was high. 5. Regardless of sex, birth order, economic level, children showed high coefficient in dominance, reflectiveness, and sociability of personality traits when father's child-concern was high. 6. Children in Chong-Ju also presented high marks at percentile in emotional stability when they liked grand fathers and fathers. 7. Children who identify their fathers showed the high marks in emotional stability, specially cases of Chong-Ju were statistically more significant (P<0.5, F-test). 8. There were much difference in percentile marks of personality traits among children in Seoul and Chong -Ju ; the marks which children in Chong-ju made were average 13.71 score lower than those of Seoul in general -activity , dominace, impulsiveness reflectiveness, sociability only except emotional stability.