Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2002;40(10):17-31.
독신가족의 가족복지 욕구분석을 위한 사례연구
A case Study to Analyze Welfare Needs of a Single Family
박정윤, 김진희
중앙대 가족복지학과
The number of single family is increasing because of individualism, resistance toward patriarchal family system, forced independence of women, absence of proper spouse and divorce rate, and aging. This study is to find out welfare needs in order to make family welfare measures toward continuously increasing single family. Data analysis has been tried to accomplish the purpose of study by in-depth interview, and structural questions were asked according to characteristics and degree of communication. Difficulties that single testers go through are social prejudice, financial problems, emotional and psychological factor, reduction of social network, and health. Lack of publicity, limit of welfare beneficiary, lack of service are suggested as problems, and what needs to be changed are formation of self-reliance meeting, financial independence, preparation of health and one's declining years.