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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1979;17(2):10-29.
A study on the Composition of food and it's nutritional mix for preparation of Korean Menus
Nowadays various organizations, such as hospitals, workers, students and families are requesting a model sample of standardized Korean meal plan to meet their nutritional requirement with daily food intake. Practical application of nutritional requirement in Korean meal is not yet established. This mainly comes form the lack of the research works on experimental cookery for the right amount of recipes of Korean meal , and no effect was ever paid for this angle by many specialist. Therefore, it is urgent to research and construct the standardized meal plan for Korean people. Contents of the present research are as follows ; 1) Standardization of recipes and the amounts : Various kinds of daily foods were selected for the purpose of recipes. The standardization of the recipes and the right amount were continuously attempted. 2) Research on the construction of nutritional meal plan : The method of constructing harmonious meal plan based upon the requirement, were studied. And the meal plans were constructed according to the different units of ages. Special meal plans were also constructed for the pregnant women and lactating women. 3) Evaluation for the nutritional adequacy were followed after the setting the various recipes.
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