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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(8):53-66.
미혼모 스트레스의 관련 변인에 관한 연구
이화여자대학교 사회복지학과
An Analysis of the related factors to the stress of the Unmarried Mothers
The primary objectives of this research is to identify the unmarried mother's (1) socio-demographic characteristics and (2) factors that correlates their stress and (3) factors that predicts their stress. This study uses the data based on interviews with 136 unmarried mothers selected purposive sampling from the 5 unmarried mothers protective institutions in Seoul, Pyungtak, Chunchon, Taegu, and Gwanju. The major findings were as follows. First of all, the age of the first sexual activity of the late-teens among the unmarried mothers are over the half. The portions over the one time abortion are 33.3%. Second, the social support part in the coping sub-category had positive correlation with the stress of unmarried mothers. And the age of the first sexual activity and my thought on the adolescent sex had negative correlation with the stress of unmarried mothers. Third, the age of the first sexual activity predicted the stress of unmarried mothers. Therefore, the comprehensive and systematic intervention programs should be required to ensure that they intervene the stress of unmarried mothers.
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