Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(6):123-133.
생활한복의 구매의사에 대한 영향요인 연구 - 생활한복 이미지 , 추구혜택 , 위험지각을 중심으로 -
임영자1, 류은정2
세종대학교 생활과학부 의상학전공1, 세종대학교 생활과학부 의상학전공 박사후 연수과정2
A Study of the Effective Factors on the Purchase Intention of Saenghwal-Hanbok - Focused on the Clothing Image, Benefit Sought and Perceived Risk -
임영자1, 류은정2
The purose of this study was to investigate the effect of clothing image, benefit sought, perceived risk, demographic and consumer's characteristics on the Purchase Intention of Saenghwal-Hanbok. The questionnaire was administered to 227 women in Seoul Data were analysed by factor analysis, correlation and multipleregression. The resets of this study were as follows: 1. The clothing images of Saenghwal-Hanbok were composed of dignified, comfortable, conservative and innovative dimensions. The benefits sought of Saenghwal-Hanbok were identified to traditional aethetics, contemporary aethetics, comfortability The perceived risk of Saenghwal-Hanbok was the only risk on the negative viewpoint of others. 2. The images of Saenghwal-Hanbok with the exception of innovative image have influenced on the benefit sought and the perceived risk of Saenghwal-Hanbok. 3. The positive effects of benefits sought iud negative effect of perceived risk ell the purchase intention of Saenghwal-Hanbok were found. There were also the significant effects of demographic and consumer's characteristics on the clothing image, benefit sought, perceived risk.