Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(6):15-24.
한국전통음식에 대한 주한 미국인의 인식 및 기호도 조사
주나미1, 심영자2, 이경아3, 정희선4
School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management, University of North Texas 박사후 연구과정1, Food Protein Research and Development Center, Texas A & M University 박사후 연구과정2, Department of Hotel and Restaurant Administration, Oklahoma State University3, 숙명여자대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과4
The Perception and Preference of Americans Residing in Korea Traditional Food
주나미1, 심영자2, 이경아3, 정희선4
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and preference of Americans residing in Korea for Korean traditional food. Out of 250 questionnaires, 95 respondents were taken. Most of the respondents (96.8%) were experienced in eating Korean food in Korea and 66.3% of them were experienced in eating Korean food in other countries except Korea. On the appearance and color of Korean flood,94.8% and 93.7% of the respondents answered for earth that it was 'Good'. Most of the respondents (95.7%) had much interest in Korean flood. Nevertheless they proposed the improvement in hot and strongly spiced Korean food. The following Korean foods; bibimbap, bulgogi, kalbigui, samgetang, and chapchae were preferred by most Americans. The preference on 11 korean traditional foods was significantly different in gender, age, and period of residence at p<0.05. This study suggests that we need to develop the sauce and seasoning which is suitable for foreigner's taste to improve the popularity of Korean foods. And we also know that foreigners have the trends to avoid selecting the food item which is unknown for them. Therefore, we need to add the information about Korean food ingredient and the cooking method which is not familiar with foreigners on the menu.