Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(6):1-14.
성인여성의 라이프스타일에 따른 의복의 세탁관리행동
배정숙, 조은영, 박은희
대구대학교 의상디자인학과
Behavior on Clothes Care of Female Consumers by Lifestyle Groups
배정숙, 조은영, 박은희
The purpose of this research is to observe the differences in consumers behavior on clothes care based on their different lifestyles and different demographic characteristics. The research surveyed 267 women of 20 years old or older living in Taegu City. SPSS package was used for data analysis and frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA(analysis of valiance). and Duncan test were used The results are as follows: 1. Lifestyle factors for the research object were found as 'Consumption-oriented','family-oriented', 'Economic-oriented','Leisure-oriented','conservatism-oriented'. The categories for analysis according to these factors are classified into 5 categories, category 1 is Leisure/Family-oriented group, category 2 Consumption/Leisure avoidance-oriented group, category 3 Economy/Family Apathy-oriented group, category 4 Conservatism-oriented group, and category 5 Consumption/Innovation group. Five factors for behavior on clothes care are found, including washing method, interest in detergent, environmental behavior, washing effectiveness, and management after washing 2. Behavior on clothes care based on lifestyle groups showed a meaningful difference according to the following: Interest in detergent(p<.05 level), environmental behavior(p<.01 level), and washing effectiveness(p< .01 level) 3. In demographic variations (such as age, monthly income, monthly expenditure on clothes), there is a meaningful difference in behavior on clothes care, such as interest in detergent or management after washing, according to different age groups. However, no meaningful difference is found in behavior on clothes care according to other demographic characteristics.