Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(5):107-121.
초기청소년의 건강한 성을 위한 교육프로그램 개발
윤명선1, 김순옥2
성균관대학교 가정관리학과 박사1, 성균관대학교 가족경영 소비자학과2
The Development of a Healthy Sexuality Education Program for Early Adolescent
윤명선1, 김순옥2
The purpose of this study was to develop a sexuality education program for early adolescents. The overall goals of the program were to not only increase knowledge and skirts, but also to improve the awareness of healthy sex in order to promote premarital abstinence, parent-teen communication and parental awareness of the importance of parental roles and responsibilities in prevention of sexual problems of the early adolescent. The program consisted of six sessions: puberty changes during adolescence, the meaning of sexuality, sexual drives in dating relationships, understanding of the risks associated with early sexual involvement and support for postponing sexual activities, managing and avoiding sexually risky situations, the importance of communications with parents about issues related to sexuality. The program evaluation had three steps: pre-test, immediate post-test and two month follow-up post test. The results showed that the program had a significantly positive effect on the improvement of adolescent's knowledge about sex, and attitudes and behaviors toward sex, particularly in the immediate post-test. At the two month follow-up assessment, the effect of the program still remained strong, though there was a sight and partial reduction which was not statistically significant. Most of the program participants expressed a high level of satisfaction with the program. Parental involvement appeared to be effective as well. Recommendations for further study include: to re-evaluate the curriculum for various other participants. In addition, further study which would compare post-test results of these participants with a comparison group of peers who did not receive the program would be valuable. The author believes that the program can be used in implementing specific subjects (sessions) in new settings, as well as implementing the entire package of the program.