새 밀레니엄에서의 청소년 문화창조를 위한 생태학적 지원체계 ( 6 ) - 청소년의 여가문화 실태 및 여가만족도 |
박미석, 이정우, 김명자, 계선자, 김경아, 우이란 |
숙명여자대학교 가정관리학과 |
Ecological Support System for Promoting Youth Culture in a New Millenium Age Adolescents′ leisure Culture and Degree of Leisure Satisfaction |
박미석, 이정우, 김명자, 계선자, 김경아, 우이란 |
The purpose of this study was not only to identify adolescents' leisure culture, but most importantly, reseal variables that world improve the degree of leisure satisfaction. A total of 1125 questionnaires were used as for the final data analysis. The study revealed the following results. 1. Adolescents spent leisure expenses, from ten thousand won to thirty thousand won a month on the average, and they mostly preferred computer-related leisure activities. Also, they were found to obtain leisure information from their friends and recognize social obstacles to prohibit leisure activities. Adolescents degree of leisure satisfaction was relatively not very high. 2. Significant differences were partly found in adolescents' leisure cloture according to variables related to individual, school and family. Also, Adolescents showed significant differences according to gender, study load and communication with their mother 3. Adolescents had greater leisure satisfaction when they had much money to spend on leisure, enjoyed sports activities, and recognized leisure obstacles lowly. |