Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(3):83-91.
두충색소의 염료화 및 염색성
정지윤, 서영숙, 곽미진
경북대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과
The Acquisition and Dyeability of Eucommiae Cortex Colorant
정지윤, 서영숙, 곽미진
The dyeability of the Eucommiae Cortex were examined to establish the optimum condition for dyeing of Eucommiae Cortex. The results of this study are as follows, Wool, nylon and silk had the highest K/S value at pH 3. The dyeability was the highest in wool, nylon, and silk. In addition, the increase in K/S value corresponded to temperature in wool, nylon and silk, and the greatest K/S value at 95. The increase in K/S value corresponded to dyeing times in wool, nylon and silk, and the greatest K/S value at 120min. Also, the K/S value increased in concomitance with the increased number of dyeing repetition. In the most cases, colorfastness of light was low but colorfastness of laundry, sweat was relatively good.