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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(2):85-95.
주부들의 식용유지류 이용의식 및 사용실태
윤계순 ()
우석대학교 식품영양학과
A Study on the Utilization Pattern and the Perception of Housewives about Edible Oil & Fats
윤계순 ()
This study was carried out to obtain the information concerning the perception and utilization patter of the housewives about the edible oil and fats. Data were obtained through questionnaires from 442 housewives in Chonbuk area. The eating frequency of food that used oil & fat was affected by age, residing area and educational level. family's preference score of food that used oil & fats was 3.34 point in the 5 point scale. 47% of the subjects answered that the intake rate of oil & fats had more from vegetable oils than animal sauces. Most of the subjects had negative response such as increased cholesterol and body weight for psychological state after the intake of food that used oil & fats. The main reason why some housewives did not use frequently oil & fats was inconvenience of tidying up. The kinds of the oil & fat used frequently were soybean oil, sesame oil, com oil and perilla oil. The nutrition knowledge score rotated to oil & fat was 7.62 point in the 10 point scale. The eating frequency of food that used oil & fats and its preference were positively correlated. These results indicate that the housewives haute a widespread tendency to pursue a health and convenience in the utilization of edible oil & fats.
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