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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(1):137-149.
1세 영아 어머니의 양육 행동에 대한 Q-sort 분석
연세대학교 생활과학대학 아동학과
Q-sort Description on Maternal Behaviors of One-Year-Old Infants
Matemal behaviors of Korean mothers of one-year-old infants (26 boys and 21 girls) were observed at home. Mothers were from middle to upper-middle class families in Seoul. Trained observers visited the infant's home for 3 to 4 hours and observed infant-mother interactions in natural situation. After the home visit, observers sorted the Maternal Behavior Q-set into 9 piles, from most characteristics to least characteristics of the mothers. In general, Korean mothers were quite sensitive and responsive in their interactions with one-year-old babies. Mothers interpreted baby's cues correctly, noticed when baby was distressed, and slowed pace down to wait for baby's response. Maternal behaviors were somewhat different according to whether they interacted with boys or girls. Mothers of boys were observed to be less sensitive in their interactions than mothers of girls. Mothers of boys were more unaware of or insensitive to baby's signs of distress, their responses were more delayed, and provided baby to constant and unphased barrage of stimulation thus made baby overwhelmed. In contrast, mothers of girls enjoyed face-to-face interactions, slowed pace down, and their interactions revolved around baby's tempo and state
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A Study on Nutrition Education and Behavior of college students  1995 June;33(6)
A Study on the Validation of the "Korean Maternal Behavior Inventory"  1991 March;29(1)
A Study on the Development of "Korean Maternal Behavior Inventory"  1989 December;27(4)
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