Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1974;12(2):601-607.
논문편 : 고구마의 Instant 화와 그의 영양학적 연구 (Ⅰ) - 고구마의 Instant 화와 영양학적 성분분석 비교 연구 -
A Nutritional Study in the Manufacturing of Instant sweet Potatoes
Jae Hee Won
The results of the manufacturing of instant sweet potatoes from Korea native sweet potatoes and researching nutritional aspects from it. 1. The optimum cooking time for the manufacturing of instant sweet potatoes are 30 minutes, then it water contents are 5%. 2. Along to increasing cooking time, the contents of saccharides and another nutritive is increased, and it has almost constant value in the contents of saccharides. 3. Instant sweet potatoes are a good vitamin food because Vitamin C n the sweet potatoes is destroyed a little through cooking process, but instant sweet potatoes contain much of Vitamin C more than cereal, as 0.146%.