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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(12):131-143.
환경친화적 음식소비행동 유형
서정희, 홍순명, 황혜진
울산대학교 아동가정복지학과, 울산대학교 식품영양학과, 울산대학교 식품영양학과 시간강사
Pro-Environmental Food Consumption Behavior Pattern
서정희, 홍순명, 황혜진
This research aims to examine the pro-environmental food consumption behavior of two groups; the housekeepers and the restaurant cooks. The rationale for choosing these groups as target of research lies in the fact that they are expected to be the most active subject for enhancing the desirable culture of food consumption, through their close involvement in the whole process of food consumption in society. This study assumes the four areas of activity to be the meaningful categories in the investigation of the pro-environmental food consumption behaviour; planning of menu and purchasing the food materials, cooking, eating, and disposal of the leftover. By using these four categories, we attempt to provide with the empirical typology of pro-environmental food consumption behaviour and the analysis of the relations of it with socio-demographical variables. Their pro-environmental behaviors are divided into four types: ① The positive awareness of pro-environmental cooking and eating, ② The positive awareness of pro-environmental food consumption behavior, ③ The passive awareness of pro-environmental cooking and eating, ④ The passive awareness of pro-environmental food consumption behavior. There is no significant difference among the numbers of the cases that belong to each behavioral type. Seen in overall, however, we can say that the larger number of the cases belong to the passive type of behavior. Two socio-demographical variables of tole housekeepers and the restaurant cooks show significant corelations with the behavioral types of pro-environmental food consumption with the confidence level P<0.05, but there is no significant co-relations in other variables like gender, marital status, age, income, Engel coefficient, education. We also found that there is no great gap between the housekeepers and the restaurant cooks in their positive awareness of pro-environmental food consumption, the percentage of each group belonging to the type being 51.9% and 48.1%, respectively, but that the former shows much greater number than the latter in belonging to the passive awareness type of the pro-environmental food consumption, 75.3% and 24.7%, respectively. Although the restaurant cooks can be said to be more ego-friendly than the housekeepers, if we consider the rapidly growing trend of outgoing-diner, more efforts should be exerted to develop the education and advertisement program for enhancing the restaurant cook's pro-environmental awareness and propagating the desirable food consumption cloture.
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