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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(12):111-129.
사이버 마아켓에서의 소비자 충동구매성향 분석
경성대학교 생활과학부 생활경영학 전공
An Analysis of Consumer Instantly Impulse Purchasing Propensity in Cyber Market
The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of consumer instantly impulse buying in cuber market user. Also this study analyzes causal effect on consumer instantly impulse purchasing by demographic and social, place and promotion, consumer emotion state, and consumer internal and psychological variables. The data had been collected from on-line research method with 1,034, as using cuber market. The major statistical methods used for data analysis are frequency, percentile, mean, factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, Pearson's correlation analysis, and path analysis. The result of causal effect analysis were as follows; First, the variables affecting possession oriented materialism were sex and age. Second, the variables affecting self-control were sex, income, account of credit card, and instantly state of mind. Third, variables directly affecting instantly impulse purchasing were serif employed, banner advertisement, experience of cuber shopping, shopping mall pattern, instantly state of mind, purpose of shopping, happiness and success oriented materialism, and self-control. Also sex, income account of credit card, and instantly state of mind emerge to indirectly effect via self-control. Especially, the variables of success oriented materialism and instantly state of mind influenced on the highest of relative variables in consumer instantly impulse purchasing.
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