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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(12):73-84.
거동 부자유 노인을 위한 일회용 기저귀 개발에 관한 연구 ( 2 )
조진숙, 최진희, 허은영
이화여자대학교 의류직물학과, 이화여자대학교 의류직물학과, 이화여자대학교 의류직물학과
A Study of the Development of Disposable Diapers for the Elderly in Need(II)
조진숙, 최진희, 허은영
This article is a continuing report about a development of disposable diapers for the elderly in need. In previous report, the first prototypes of disposable diapers in two different categories have been developed. One was a panty type and the other was a pad type. These prototypes were results of property test and wear test of existing disposable diapers in each categories. Yet, in order to develop useable products, the second property and wear tests using the first prototype diapers were carried out. Considering the resets of the second tests, enhancements to the first prototypes were made to refine the second prototypes. The panty type diaper were altered to be longer to prevent evacuation from leaking and fit better. The pad type diapers were altered to reduce thickness for comfort and wearing appearance when get dressed. Ultimately a lot more disposable diapers will be required in future. Resulting suggestions are as follows. Anthropometric data around hip area of elderly in both sexes have to be collected to give meaningful information to diaper manufacturers, so that they can manufacture for different sizes and different sexes. Also we suggests that diapers for specific disease such as diabetics have to be designed accordingly.
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