Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(12):1-14.
도시가계의 소득계층별 소비지출구조 분석 - IMF 이전과 이후 비교분석 -
한양대학교 소비자 가족 주거학과
Structure of the consumption expenditure by income bracket -Comparative analysis before and after IMF-
The purpose of this study is to identify the change according to income bracket and the trade-off between expenditure items by analyzing expenditure patterns of the urban households as a reset of the IMF. The results of this study are as follows; The composition percentage and the amount of consumption expenditure of urban households after IMF decrease in all classes. But the change of composition percentage by the decrease of consumption expenditure is different in every class. The percentage of decrease of the upper class is higher than that of the lower class in an essential expenditure of household, which is food. And the percentage of decrease of the lower class is higher than that of the higher class in the discretionary expenditures such as clothes and education.