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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(11):181-191.
초등학교 저학년 시설아동의 입소원인 지각에 따른 초기 학교적응의 차이
이순형, 이강이, 성미영
서울대학교 생활과학대학 아동가족학과, 서울대학교 생활과학대학 아동가족학과, 서울대학교 생활과학대학 아동가족학과
Early School Adjustment of Institutionalized Children Depending on Their perceived Cause of Entering Institution
이순형, 이강이, 성미영
This study investigated early school adjustment of institutionalized children. Subjects were 118 primary school children in 15 child-welfare facilities in Seoul(56 first and 62 second grade children; 66 boys and 52 girls). Data were analyzed with t-test, ANOVA, and Duncan test. Measures of school adjustment included relationships with leachers, relationships with peers, attitudes on school atmosphere, and observance of school regulation. Results showed that institutionalized children had the highest scores in relationships with teachers, but lowest scores in relationships with peers. Institutionalized children who perceived economic problem as the cause of entering institution showed lower adjustment scores in relationships with peers. There was no significant difference in school adjustment depending on sex, but a significant difference in altitudes on school atmosphere depending on grade.
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