Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(11):89-104.
인간의 복지향상을 위한 환경운동의 방향
우석대학교 가정학과
A Study on the Direction of the Environmental Movement for the improvement of Welfare
The purpose of this study is to grope the direction of the environmental movement for the improvement of welfare. The deterioration of environment which was resulted from the development of material civilization due to the industrialization made people newly recognize the importance of environment. The quality of the future life depends on the solution of the environmental problems. The family-centered environmental movement as a new cultural movement in the daily life should be revitalized for the purpose of improving welfare. This study investigated the several views on the environmental problems in the neighboring disciplines of home economics. And on the basis of the results of the study, the direction of environmental movement to be developed in home economics was represented. This study represented the directions of the environmental movement as a new cultural movement in the daily life as follows: alternative life-style, that is, pro-environmental life-style-oriented direction; community-oriented direction such as cooperative association movement in daily life; the politicalization of the environmental problems, that is, the endeavor to reflect the election promise on the environment in the vote, etc. The content of the environmental movement shoed be treated of in environmental education, consumer education, family-life education, school education, and life-long education.