Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(10):117-132.
가정폭력 가해자 개입 프로그램 실태분석
김경신, 김정란
전남대학교 가정관리학과, 전남대학교 가정관리학과
Analysis on the Current State of Batterer Intervention Programs
김경신, 김정란
The purpose of this study was to analysis on the current state of batterer intervention programs in South Korea. This study was composed of two parts. First, intervention programs for domestic violence batterer in foreign countries were reviewed. Second, bitterer programs in South Korea were explored. In order to expand these bitterer programs in South Korea, culturally appropriate intervention, more innovative research on comparison analysis of diverse intervention approaches, program impact, type of curriculum, and intervention protocol, evaluation criteria, requirements pertaining to program facilitators, political assistance, and coordinated community response and community service are strongly needed.