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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(10):45-51.
치수규격 및 그레이딩을 위한체형 유형화에 관한 연구 (2)
권숙희, 전은경
제주대학교 의류학과, 울산대학교 생활과학부
A Study on Classifying Body Forms for the Standards Regarding Size and Grading Method(II)
권숙희, 전은경
This study illucidated the importance of drop Value in the resets of surveying the current values of sizing and grading. Therefore, it is meaningful to get the classification of body form with the appropriate distribution of drop values of the body. The distribution of drop value and the frequency of each form is very helpful to name the combined sizing or coverage of ready-made clothes. This study aimed at classifying body forms with various drop values using multivariate analysis for sizing and grading. Factor analysis and cluster analysis were done using measured values from unmarried women. The resets are as follows; The factor which explains body forms was obtained by factor analysis, and the representative major 18 items which have important roles in classifying body forms were selected among the measured values with high factor loading and communality. 1) The body forms were classified into 3 groups based on the characteristics, frequencies and distributions of them obtained from cluster analysis. 2) Each classified body form showed conspicuous difference in drop value and the difference of body form mainly resulted from the difference between bust and hip(drop value) in Korean unmarried women. 3) Discriminant analysis showed that the most significant discriminant factor of the trunk classification were bust circumference, upper bust circumference, hip circumference and stature. 4) The cover ratio of size studied in this study for the Korean Sizing system for women's garment were founded high.
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