Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(9):131-142.
주택구매 후 주거만족도 분석 - 정보탐색과 기대불일치를 중심으로 -
고경필, 심미영
진주산업대학교 생활관리학과, 경성대학교 생활과학부
An Analysis of the Residential Satisfaction after Purchasing House Influenced by Information Search and Expectancy Nonconformity
고경필, 심미영
This paper is made an analysis as to how much influence is affected to the residential satisfaction by information search and expectancy conformity/nonconformity. The above mentioned analysis results in that information search and expectancy conformity/nonconformity appear to be influential factors to explain the residential satisfaction after purchase. Especially, the more the expectancy of pre-purchase and the performance of post-purchase equal, the higher the residential satisfaction. In addition, even if a slight difference emerges in the domain of the residential satisfaction, it appears that the more information search is conducted, the higher the residential satisfaction and information from salesman or reference group affect on the expectancy conformity/nonconformity. When purchasing housing, to search more information shows that the expectancy of pre-purchase gets close to the performance of the post-purchase, that is to say, to the positive residential satisfaction.