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Hum. Ecol. Res Search


Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(8):159-168.
가정과 교사의 교육과정 방향과 교수행동과의 관련성 연구
중앙대학교 가정교육과
A Study on the Relationship between Curriculum Orientations and Professional Teaching Practices of Home Economics Teachers
The purpose in this study is to determine the relationship between the curriculum orientations and professional teaching practices of Korean secondary school home economics teachers for the development of home economics curriculum. The instruments, Individual Curriculum Orientation profile(ICOP) and Professional Teaching Practice(PTP) were used to survey randomly selected 525 home economics leachers. The curriculum orientations explored were academic rationalism, technical, cognitive process, personal relevance, and social reconstruction. The professional teaching practices examined were customary-instrumental, interactive and reflective practices. Using canonical correlation, home economics teacher's teaching practices were found to be significantly related to their curriculum orientations. However, only 17.7% of the variability in professional teaching practices was explained by the five curriculum orientations.
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