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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(8):69-84.
지각된 부 / 모의 가치 , 부 / 모 - 자녀간 정서적 친밀도 및 부 / 모의 과잉통제와 대학생의 소외감과의 관계
강완숙, 유안진
경희대학교 아동가족·주거학과, 서울대학교 아동가족학과
The Relationship between the Perceived Father's/Mother's Values, Father/Mother-Student Emotional Intimacy & Father's/Mother's Over-control and University student's Alienation
강완숙, 유안진
This study intended to investigate the relationship between father's/mother's values(materialism, competitive achievement pressure, neighborhood relations), father/mother-student emotional intimacy & father's/mother's over control and university student's alienation, and examin the relative influences of independent variables on university student's alienation. For this purpose, data were obtained from 402 male 7nd female university students in Seoul and Inchon, and analyzed by factor analysis, Cronbach's α, frequencies, %, Pearson's r and stepwise multiple regression. The major findings were as follows : 1) father's and mother's values had significant relations to university student's alienation. As father and mother had more materialism and competitive achievement pressure, their university student was more alienated, and as father and mother had more neighborhood relations, the student was less alienated. 2) Emotional intimacy between father/mother and student had negative relation to university student's alienation. As the level of emotional intimacy was higher, the student was less alienated 3) Father's and mother's over control had positive relations to university student's alienation. As father's and mother's over control was higher, the student was more alienated. 4) Mother's neighborhood relations, father's and mother's over control, mother-student emotional intimacy and father's materialism had influences on university student's alienation in descending order. These independent variables explained 25. 0 % of the total valiance. Father's materialism and father's/mother's over control increased the level of university student's alienation, but mother's neighborhood relations and mother-student emotional intimacy decreased the bevel of student's alienation. Emerging evidences suggested that in order to prevent or decrease the university student's alienation, their parents should have less materialism and more neighborhood relations, and should not use over control on their university student but produce more emotional support.
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The Relationship between the Father's Emotional Expressiveness, Verbal Controls and Children's Social Competency  2007 May;45(4)
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