Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(8):53-68.
전라북도 거주 기혼여성의 가족생활실태조사 ( 2 ) : 가족생활문제 및 해결방안을 중심으로
우석대학교 가정복지 전공
Family Life Issues of Married Womens in Chonbuk: Focused on Family Life Problems & Solution
This study examines family life problems & solution of married women in Chonbuk area as a part of study on family life Issues. Data were collected by questionnaires. The sample consisted of 1142 married women. The major findings were summarized as follows : (1) The degree of recognition about family life problem is rated economic life > woman's parents-in-law> woman's real parents> spouse> children related problems. (2) In the family conflict solution types, the most used types is a rational. (3) The degree of recognition about the family violence is rated abusive languages of husband>husband behavior under the influence of alcohol wife's child abuse>husband's child abuse>abusive languages of wife>battered wife. (4) The kins are still considered the primary source for functions of personal support. Also, the needs for the children related equipments is higest among the public support equipments.