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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(7):53-65.
정신지체아 부 모의 스트레스와 가족결합력
김나영, 윤호열
구미1대학 유아교육과, 구미1대학 유아교육과
The Perceived Stresses and Family Strengths by Fathers and Mothers having Mentally Retarded Children
김나영, 윤호열
This study is for examining the differences of perceived stresses and family strengths between the parents according to socio-demographic backgrounds(age, educational level, income and the degree of disorder) of the parents having mentally retarded children. The results were as follows. First, in the overall perceived stress level, there was no difference between fathers and mothers, but when compared in stress areas, fathers experience more distresses in general interpersonal areas than mothers. Fathers also shows differences according to the degrees of their income and their perception about disorder compared with mothers showing differences according to the degree of income. Second, there were no differences in family strengths perceived by both fathers and mothers, but were significant differences according to the level of education and income. Another words, higher the education and income level, higher is their family strengths level. Third, there were positive correlations between the perceived stresses and family strengths, and significant differences in family strengths according to the stress level(higher/lower part of the group). In other words, when the perceived stress level is high, the level of perceived family strengths is low.
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Family Stress and Family Strengths in Double-income Couples  2006 June;44(6)
The Relationships between Family Strengths, Mothers' Self-Efficacy and Children's Social Behavior  2004 December;42(12)
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