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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(7):1-12.
가족기업의 가족체계 : 소규모 가족기업에 있어서 가족구성원의 참여유형
김혜연, 김성희
제주대학교 가정관리학과, 여주대학 가정학과
A Family system of Family Business: Participation within a Family in a Small Family Business
김혜연, 김성희
Although the term 'family business' is relatively new, this style of business is universal. An Unusual feature that must be noted, is that even though it is a common style of business is not clearly defined. The purpose of this study is to identify the different family participation patterns, and the variables that effect different types of participation. '1997 Daewoo Panel Data' was used. Some descriptive statistics and a multinomial logit model were employed for the analysis. The standard type of business focused on in this study was a family owned and operated 'ma and pa' typed business and the sample was limited to households where one or both of the partners involved in a family owned and operated business. The main resets obtained from this sample were as follows: 1. Personal characteristics such as respondents' gender, age and educational level were important variables that effected the participation of family members in the business. As can be seen in the gender analysis, family businesses owned by men showed all available patterns of family operated businesses in relatively high numbers. A large percentage of businesses owned women were of self-employed pattern. According to the analysis by age and educational level, young people with a high level of education tend to managed their small businesses by employing others rather than utilising the self-employed or family operated pattern. 2. While big families showed a high percentage of a combination pattern of a family-run, and ordinary employer/employee company, relatively small families usually opted for purely family-run businesses. Whether the family have children under 6 or not, and the number of children under 6 did net significantly effect to the patterns of the family system of small family businesses. 3. The size, location and kind of family business also effected participation patterns of the family members significantly. These results suggest that further study will be required to gain more exact and meaningful information to help Korean family businesses.
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The Financial Status of Family Business: Comparison of Home-Based Family Business with Onsite Family Business  2000 October;38(10)
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