Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(6):29-41.
아동의 기질적 특성과 부모 훈육방법
가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 아동학
Relations between Child Temperament and Parental Disciplinary Practices
This primary purpose of this study was to analyze relations between child temperament and parental disciplinary practices. The subjects were 220 mothers and 220 fathers of kindergarten children. Child temperament was assessed using Colorado Childhood Temperament Inventory and parental disciplinary practices were measured by Parenting Scale. Resets indicated that (1) Fathers recognized their male children's temperament as more soothable and less emotional than those of female children whereas mothers recognized their male children's temperament as more active than those of female children. (2) Fathers recognized their children's temperament as more active than did mothers, but mothers recognized their children's temperament as more soothable than did fathers. (3) Children who were more sociable, less emotional, more sootable, and had longer attention span and persistence were related to more effective patemal disciplinary practices. (4) Children who were less emotional and had longer attention span and persistence were related to more effective maternal disciplinary practices. (5) Paternal disciplinary practices were explained by children's emotional temperament, whereas the best predictors of maternal disciplinary practices were children's emotional temperament and attention span and persistence.