Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(5):107-120.
부모 훈육방법의 세대간 전이
가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 아동학
Intergenerational Transmission of Parental Disciplinary Practices
The present study investigated the notion that supportive and harsh parenting might be transmitted across generations. Data for this study were collected from a sample of 421 two-parent families, each of which included a kindergartener. The analyses were conducted separately for the group of fathers and the group of mothers. Descriptive analysis, cronbach's α, correlations, and t-tests were used to examine research questions. The findings indicated that 1. There was a difference between fathers and mothers in relation to disciplinary experience in childhood. Mothers perceived their disciplinary experience in childhood more supportive than did fathers. 2. Parents'supportive disciplinary experience in childhood was negatively related to the overreactivity and verbosity of current parental disciplinary practices. 3. Parents'harsh disciplinary experience in childhood was positively related to ineffective parental disciplinary practices at present 4. Fathers who perceived their disciplinary experience in childhood as more supportive exhibited less overreactive and less verbose disciplinary practices while fathers who perceived their disciplinary experience in childhood as more harsh exhibited more overreactive disciplinary practices at present. 5. Mothers who perceived their disciplinary experience in childhood as more supportive exhibited less verbose disciplinary practices while mothers who perceived their disciplinary experience in childhood as more harsh exhibited more ineffective disciplinary practices(including more overreactivity) at present.