남북한 생활문화의 이질화와 통합 (5) - 사회통합 후 북한이주민의 생활적응지원방안 - |
이기춘, 이기영, 이은영, 이순형, 김대년, 박영숙, 최연실, 민현선, 박미영 |
서울대학교 소비자학과, 서울대학교 소비자학과, 서울대학교 의류학과, 서울대학교 아동, 가족학과, 서원대학교 건축학과, 순천향대학교 식품영양학과, 상명대학교 가족복지학과, 삼성전자 글로벌마케팅연구소, 서울대학교 소비자학과 |
South and North Korean Living Cultures: Their Differences and Integration(V) - Social Adjustment Programs for People from North Korea after Free Transmigration - |
이기춘, 이기영, 이은영, 이순형, 김대년, 박영숙, 최연실, 민현선, 박미영 |
The purpose of this project was to provide social adjustment programs for North Korean residents who might migrate into South Korea when free transmigration is allowed in the process of reunification. This study was composed of three parts. First, present social adjustment programs for defectors from North Korea were reviewed. Second, South Koreans attitude toward social adjustment programs for migrated North Koreans in the future was identified based on empirical survey research. Third, the social adjustment programs for migrated North Koreans were discussed from results of the depth interviews which were carried out with 10 North Korean defectors. To support migrated North Koreans' social adjustment in South Korea, this study proposed the first stage village which would have characteristic of group home. Education programs to support social adjustment of migrated North Koreans were developed according to their social adjustment stages. In the middle stage of adjustment model, education programs on living culture in South Korea could be adopted. Education programs related to the various aspects of living culture including consumption, clothing, food, housing, family, child rearing, adolescent education were specified and discussed in detail. |