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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(5):25-41.
점포선택에 따른 점포속성 , 개인적 특성 및 상황 : 패션 보세점과 브랜드점의 비교
사공수연, 박경애
영남대학교 의류학과 석사, 영남대학교 의류학과
Store Attributes, Personal Characteristics and Situations on Store Choice: Independent Fashion Specialty Stores versus Franchised Chain Stores
사공수연, 박경애
This study examined the relationships of store preference with perceived store attributes and consumers' individual characteristics and the impacts of shopping situations on actual store choice. Data were obtained from an on-site questionnaire survey to a convenience sample of young consumers. A total of 456 responses was analyzed. Based on store preference and store choice, respondents were divided into four preference(or choice) groups of: Independent fashion specialty store; Independent general fashion store; Department store and Brand-franchised store. MANOVA, ANOVA and χ2 analyses revealed that there were significant differences among 4 store preference groups on 3 store attribute factors(price, promotion, and merchandise & displays), fashion involvement, perceived financial risk and 5 demographic characteristics(age, gender, marital status, education and spending). Also, there were significant differences among 4 store choice groups on 3 shopping situations the respondents had experienced. Based on the results, the study provided a profile of each store preference group and marketing implications.
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